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FAQs - Inputting Results To The YHA Website & YHA Website Registration

FAQs - Inputting Results To The YHA Website & YHA Website Registration
YYHL - Inputting Results To The YHA Website
Both teams in each fixture in every YYHL age group are expected to input match results to the YHA Website.
To do this you need to be registered with the YHA Website before you can input results (see below).

YYHL Boys & Girls U10 & U12 Teams - Adding Results for Matches Against Teams Who Do Not Attend Sessions.
Click the POSTPONED box to the right of each fixture.
Add the comment " did not attend session" i.e. "Barnsley 1 did not attend session"

YYHL Boys & Girls U14 & U16 Teams- Adding Results for Matches Against Teams Who Do Not Attend Sessions.
Add a result of 3-0 in favour of your team (assuming they attended the session) and add " did not attend session" to the NOTES section underneath the fixture.  i.e. "Barnsley 1 did not attend session"

Website Registration
To register email YHA Web Manager Andy Pettigrew at -email- who email out instructions for registration.
Once registered further instructions will be emailed to you about how to enter results to fixtures on the webiste.

Already Registered But No Leagues Showing For 2014-15 Season
Email Andy Pettigrew at -email- stating which leagues you require access to and they will be added to your registration. Leagues have to be re-added on a yearly basis.

Forgotten Your Password
Click the FORGOTTEN PASSWORD? link at the bottom of the WELCOME Login Box on the left of the home page.
Add your username and email address used when you signed up.
Enter the neumerical code.
A new password will be emailed to you.

Forgotten Your Username
Email Andy Pettigrew at -email- and he will reset username and password for you

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