News Item: Pick a Card, any card!
(Category: Umpiring)
Posted by YHAWeb Manager
Sunday 21 December 2014 - 11:35:51

Pick a Card, any card!

Reminders: There is NO Technical Red Card outside National League.

An umpire can issue more than one yellow card if it’s for a different offence.
Management tips:
1) Use Signal & voice to let everyone know what each Yellow Card is for.
2) There is a minimum time for yellow card & not a maximum.

If an umpire issues a Red card they must fill in a Red Card Report Form & they can’t rescind the card.
After the final whistle you can’t issue a Red card it is an MMO (Match-day Misconduct Offence).
Remember you must inform the person that you are issuing the MMO.

This news item is from Yorkshire Hockey Association
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