News Item: Yorkshire League Fixtures for the 2018-19 Season
(Category: YHA Hockey League News)
Posted by YHAWeb Manager
Friday 01 June 2018 - 15:29:19

yhalogoblue.jpgYorkshire League Fixtures for the 2018-19 Season
The first draft of the YHA League Fixtures has been released for the 2018-19 Season to all North Leagues.
We have been asked not to release these to clubs until at least 5 June 2018 so that Leagues can check the initial accuracy of what has been produced.
These fixtures will be released to clubs once those checks have taken place and any changes needed have been made.
We hope that this will be on 5 June 2018, but could be a day or two later if many changes are needed.
For those of you who don't know, all league fixtures for Leagues in the North of England are created on a database requirements from individual leagues and clubs have been added.
Late changes made to one league can have knock-on effects on other league's fixtures, hence the need for checks and changes to be made before fixtures reach clubs.

Andy Pettigrew
YHA Competitions Chair

This news item is from Yorkshire Hockey Association
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