News Item: Yorkshire Youth Leagues - Results for Sunday 17 September 2018
(Category: YHA Hockey League News)
Posted by YHAWeb Manager
Tuesday 18 September 2018 - 14:13:05

yhalogoblue.jpgYorkshire Youth Leagues - Results for Sunday 17 September 2018
Girls Under-14s and Boys Under-16s
UPDATE - All BU16 Week1 and GU14 Week 1 fixtures are on the website - we would be grateful if you would login and enter results.
If a team didn't turn up to play enter a 3-0 result in favour of your team and add [team x] did not attend the session - where 'team x' is the name of the non-attender (this applies to all Under-14 and Under-16 sessions - for Under-10 and Under-12 sessions matches where teams do not attend should be marked as POSTPONED and add the REASON: [team x] did not attend the session - where 'team x' is the name of the non-attender).
If you have problems accessing the website for any reason email myself at -email- with the reason you cannot add results (other than the fixtures not being there!), and we will make sure that you have access.
You can, if you wish, email your results to -email- we will add them for you.

Please note that the Week 1 fixtures for the above leagues were not on the website ready for results input after Sunday's Week 1 round of matches.
We can only apologise for our error in not having the website ready for you to input results.
All three Leagues will be added to the website this afternoon (Tuesday 18 September) and we would be garteful if all teams would add their results.
We will update club results input accounts with these three leagues once they have been added to the webiste later today.
Once again my apologies for the oversight.
Andy Pettigrew - YHA Website Manager.

This news item is from Yorkshire Hockey Association
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