President: Richard Skipplings
YHA Handbook Club Information
Updated YHA Club Information is available to and can be downloaded only by registered members of the YHA Website. To register with the YHA Website contact YHA Web Manager Andy Pettigrew at -email- and he will send you registration instructions.
Umpire support hotline
Anne Bryant: 01422 373774
If you experience problems with a team or teams that is persistent but perhaps cannot be dealt with using traditional umpiring methods, or stops short of being cardable, or if pre- and/or post-match hospitality towards umpires is not good let Anne Bryant know.
Her role is not necessarily one where she will immediately contact the club concerned and berate them but one where she will evaluate the problem and if it persists from week to week and there is a clear indication that there is an ongoing problem with a team or club, she can take action.
This may be through direct contact with a quiet word or could involve other YHA Officers up to and including the YHA Disciplinary Officer.
Umpires are reminded that on-field issues can be sorted out by using the team captain, who is responsible for team discipline, and by using disciplinary cards. The Umpire Support Hotline does not replace usual umpiring methods of control during a game, but is there for use where these may be ineffective or before or after a game.
This service is available to club umpires as well as neutral scheme umpires and is available to any umpire at any level.
Umpire news