England Hockey League Structure Changes – Information required from Clubs

Dear Clubs
Please note the below content has been sent as an email to all Yorkshire League Fixture Secretaries as an extra reminder to the directive sent out by England Hockey to all club Secretaries & Chairs.
 Remember we used this YHA rule: Requests for specific fixture patterns to be applied for a Club’s fixtures, or fixtures of more than one club at a specific venue, must be made by 15 April of the preceding season. 

Due to the current nature of what is happening, then it may be that you have forgotten about this, or didn’t know who to tell, or just thought it would happen anyway.  It won’t, so this is to say that if you do have any requests, please let Mike or June know.

You should have received an email from EH giving / requesting information for your club, including number of teams, special requirements, multi team venues etc  
Some clubs have completed this either fully or partially many clubs have opened the email, but there are still some clubs who have not opened the email. The transition group will endeavour to contact these clubs. 

Unfortunately, the information needed has a closing date of 26 May – less than a week to get it sorted.
What happens if clubs miss the deadline to complete it?
Adults: The teams will not be entered into the 21/22 season.

​If you have any queries please contact Bev Deakin: bad13hockey@outlook.com; Anne Bryant: anne.bryant@btinternet.com or Phil Stubley: philstubley@hotmail.com 
There will be another email sent to all clubs about the name of the new Area. This is your opportunity to choose what the new Area will be called.