Create league categories

League categories were originally introduced to allow separation of different categories of teams within the organisation, e.g. men, women, mixed, etc. across all seasons

However, needing to manage fixture data across seasons for the same category has not proven to be useful and, in some circumstances it’s actually better to define categories on a season by season basis.

So, for each new season, we create a new set of categories to cover the various leagues and cups.

Category names

Category names are just free format text, but it’s important to make sure they are relevant.

The names we currently use follow the format

  • section (long start yearshort end year)


  • section is something like Men, Women, Boys Under-12, Men’s 1st XI Cup, etc.
  • start year is the year the season starts, e.g. 2020
  • end year is the year the season ends, e.g. 21

Note: there are older categories that do not include the year part. These should not be used as examples – always include the year part.

Adding new categories

From the main League Manager page:

  1. Select the League categories menu option (on the right hand side)
  2. Enter the Name for the new category
  3. Select Create
  4. Repeat from step 2 for any other new league categories